- Like warm apple pie.
- Yeah ? - Yeah.
- Apple pie, huh ?
- Uh-huh.
- McDonald's or homemade ?
- [ Scooter Engine Starts ]
destiny awaits.
- [ Engine Stalls ]
- [ Boys Chuckle ]
- [ Engine Stalls ]
- [ Boys Chuckle ]
- -**-** [ Rock ]
- -** It's been one week since you looked at me -**
-** Cocked your head to the side
and said, I'm angry -**
That's number five and six
for the Stif-meister !
- -**-** [ Continues ]
- Yeah.
- [ Gasps ]
- Oops !
- Holy !
- H-Hey !
Nadia ! Buenos dias.
Glad you could make it.
- I'll be back for you later.
- [ Door Bell Chimes ]
- -**-** [ Snapping Fingers ]
- -**-** [ Continues ]
- Another party sultan !
- How ya doin' ?
Welcome to Stifler's
Palace of Love, fellas.
- The keg's back there ! Enjoy !
- Yeah.
Vicky, Jessica ! Great to see you.
Glad you could make it.
Haha, bitches !
- Sherman !
- Hey !
What the fuck
are you doin' here ?
Fellas !
What's goin' on ?
Fellas !
What's goin' on ?
Sherman. Not much. Just, uh,
scopin' the babes.
- Indeed ! Some fine ladies here, boys.
- Uh-huh.
Confidence is high.
Repeat. Confidence is high.
Sherman is movin'
to DEFCON 2.
- Full strategic arsenal
ready for deployment. - Hey !
You have somethin'
goin' tonight, Sherman ?
You see that
Central chick, Bernette ?
- Um, no.
- No.
She's around.
Seems she's taken a liking to me.
Fellas, it's time
she experienced... the Shermanator.
Yeah, okay,
Sherman. Whatever.
I'm a sophisticated sex robot
sent back through time...
to change the future
for one lucky lady.
- Go get 'em, tiger.
- [ Imitates Schwarzenegger ] I'll be back !
- Hopeless.
- Completely.