American Pie

You know, Finch,
it's-- it's senior year.

I mean, don't you think it's time you
learned how to take a dump at school ?

When was the last time you looked
at the facilities in this school ?

[ Murmuring ]
- [ Grunts ]
- Excuse me.

Uh, that's
Paul Finch, right ?

- Yeah.
- Well, you've seen him in the locker room, right ?

- Uh, yeah.
- So, my friends, they want to know. Is it true ?

You know,
that he's... equipped.

I have no idea. Finch showers
with his bathing suit on.

I mean, uh--
As a matter of fact, it is true.
The guy's huge !

- Does he have a date for the prom yet ?
- No, definitely not.

All right. Thanks.
Oh, man !
So I was thinking maybe you could
give me some advice, brother to brother.

I thought you might know a trick
or somethin' to make her--

- Orgasm ?
- Yeah. - What's good here ?

- Try the spicy tuna hand roll.
- What ?

- How do you do that ?
- Hey, never mind that. Listen, pay attention.

Is that all that you're interested in,
tryin' to get your girl into bed ?

No, it'd be good to be able
to, you know, return the favor.

Be nice to know she enjoys
things as much as I do.

See that ? That's good. That's what
I wanted to hear. Now, you qualify.

- Qualify for what ?
- My man, you've just inherited the Bible.

It originally started
as a sex manual,

this book that some guys
brought back from Amsterdam.

And each year it got passed on to one
East student who was worthy.

Now, it's full of all sorts of stuff
that guys have added over the years.

But you have to keep it a secret
and return it at the end of the year.

All right.
So now you know. Good luck.
