I could change
clothes at your place.
Oh. Uh... yeah.
I suppose that
would be okay. Sure.
- [ Engine Off ]
- Nice car !
- I'm glad you think so.
- You don't like it ?
No, I like the car.
By the way, though, about prom ?
That was a bad idea.
I'm sorry I invited you.
- What are you talkin' about ?
- Please.
I asked you because I thought you might
actually be worth going with.
But you are just a jock.
No, wait. You're a jerk.
Wait !
I don't understand.
I saw you making fun of me
with your lacrosse buddies.
Heather, I wasn't
makin' fun of you.
Gimme a break.
You're so full of it.
Fuck me ! There's gonna be an Eastern
European chick naked in your house.
And you're not gonna
do anything about that ?
What am I gonna do, huh ?
Broadcast her over the lnternet ?
- Yeah.
- You can do that ?
[ Scoffs ]
No. I cannot do that to her.
Jim, get some fuckin' balls.
If you don't have the guts
to photograph a naked chick, how you gonna sleep with one ?
I don't like the kid,
but he's got a point.
See, even shit-brick
knows you should do it.
All you gotta do is set up some sort of
private link or whatever on the 'Net...
and tell me the address.
You can send me
the address too.
I'll save
you a seat.
-** How sweet it is
to be loved by you, by you -**
- -** I needed the shelter
of someone's arms -** - -** Someone's arms -**
- -** There you were -**
- -** You were, oh -**