[ Laughing Continues ]
[ Whooping, Taunting ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Oz ] -** I needed someone
to understand my ups and downs -**
-** There you were -**
-** With sweet love
and devotion -**
-** Deeply touching
my emotion -**
-** I just wanna stop
and thank you, baby -**-**
- Hey, minute man !
- Shut up.
You know-- You know you're
supposed to be supportive.
Hey, you think you still
got a chance with Nadia ?
No. Her sponsors here
saw the thing on the 'Net.
I-l really don't
think they liked it.
How do
you know that ?
- She's already on a plane back home.
- [ Groans ]
You know, guys ? Maybe I'm just
not good with girls, period.
No-no-no, really-really. Like-- Like I
was born without that part of the brain.
I mean, I can't
talk to girls.
And when I do talk
to them, I screw it up.
Yeah, well, come prom those excuses
aren't going to do you any good.
- [ Sighs ]
- [ Michelle ] And one time at band camp,
we weren't supposed
to have pillow fights,
but we had a pillow fight,
and it was so much fun.
A-And this one time, we all
lost our music and we were supposed to play this song,
but we didn't know it, so we just made
it up and we kept playing and playing,
and the conductor didn't know
what we were doing, and it was so funny.
-So, you're pissed about somethin', huh.
-[ Scoffs ]
You know what
I do when I'm angry ?
I just play some Bach on my flute.
It's so relaxing.
- I learned to do that at band camp.
- Hold on, uh--
You have no idea
why I'm angry ?
Is it because we have a test tomorrow ?
Sometimes I get cranky...