- when I know I have
a big test to study for. - [ Laughs ]
- Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty much it.
- I thought so...
- because this one time at band camp--
- W-What's your name ?
- Michelle.
- O-Okay.
Michelle, um--
[ Chuckles ] Do you want to be
my date for the prom ?
Really ? You seriously
want to go with me ?
Yes. Seriously.
Are we going to Steve Stifler's
party afterwards ? Because that would be so cool.
- Sure, whatever you want.
- Cool ! We're gonna have such a good time.
It'll be like this one time at band camp
when we all had a campfire--
[ Knocking At Door ]
[ Siren Wailing, Distant ]
- How'd you know I was here ?
- Stifler told me.
- Talked to Stifler ?
- Well, I needed to find you.
We're gonna have
to work on that song.
I'm glad you came by.
So you work nights ?
- My dad's the manager.
- Really ?
Cool. Tell him
the subs are great.
-So you're going to Michigan next year ?
My parents want me to go
to Northwestern, but...
I don't wanna write all those
extra essays they make you do.
I mean, how am I supposed to
know what my "most emotionally significant moment" was ?
So when my "U" of "M" acceptance came in
December, I just said the hell with it.
- Onions ?
- What ?
You, uh, want onions ?
Oh, no, thank you.
So what are you
gonna major in ?
State's got a good business
school, and I could probably walk-on to the lacrosse team.