Shh! Father!
I only admit to 32.
You are 36 and you must get a wife.
A shade lacklustre this morning, Chiltern.
Mind on other matters,
I shouldn't wonder.
I had that Cheveley woman
drive by the office last night.
Wanted me to write a piece...
.. about this Argentine thing.
Quite interesting, really.
- Mentioned you.
- Did she?
She did indeed.
So what did she say?
Oh, outlined the virtues of the scheme,
that sort of thing.
Wouldn't be surprised
if she had shares in it.
What did she say about me?
About your speech on it.
Said I should be prepared for a surprise.
Wouldn't say what.
Can I take it
you've changed your position?
I wonder what kind of a woman she is.
That woman - Mrs Cheveley.
So the question remains,
where to from there, hm?
To the Hartlocks and the Basildons...
.. or should we go straight
to the Bachelors' Ball?
Arthur, I almost wish
I were you sometimes.
I almost wish you were, too,...
.. except you'd make something useful
out of my life and that would never do.
You could always get married.
It's the "always" bit that alarms me.
I could see by the glare in his eye
he was about to do it again.
Poor Mr Trafford.
- It sounds quite serious.
- Oh, it is.
He proposed to me in broad daylight...