- What is your price for it?
- My price.
I've arrived at the romantic stage.
When I saw you the other night
at the Chilterns',...
.. I knew you were the only person
I'd ever cared for,...
.. if I've ever cared for anybody, Arthur.
.. on the morning of the day...
.. that you marry me,
I will give you Robert Chiltern's letter.
That is my offer.
- Are you quite serious?
- Yes.
Quite serious.
My dear Mrs Cheveley,...
.. I'm afraid I should make you
a very bad husband.
I don't mind bad husbands.
I've had two. They amuse me immensely.
Here is a chance to rise
to great heights of self-sacrifice.
I think you should.
The rest of your life, you can spend
contemplating your own perfections.
I do that as it is.
For the privilege of being your wife,...
.. I am ready to sacrifice
the greatest prize in my possession.
I'm honoured.
- Arthur,...
- Mmm?
.. you loved me once.
You asked me to be your wife.
Ask me again.
Ask me now.
My dear Mrs Cheveley...
My dear Lord Goring.
I'm going to give you some good advice.
Never give a woman anything
she can't wear in the evening.