Poor man.
I almost begin to feel sorry for him.
I can't bear to see so upright and
honourable an English gentleman...
.. being so shamefully deceived.
- Deceived?
- And on such positively pink paper.
What are you talking about?
"I need you after all.
I'm coming to you now. "
You stole Gertrude's letter?
Losing a man is scant cause
for concern,...
.. but losing a man to her
is another matter entirely.
It's only right Sir Robert should know,
as indeed he shall,...
.. when the letter arrives at his office
first thing in the morning.
You've got a good man there, Gertrude.
You should try to hold on to him.
It occurs to me this whole business
is really just about you and me.
- Gertrude, I must speak with you.
- Oh, not now.
It's about that letter you wrote to me!
Do come round in the morning.
I can't talk now.
Lord Goring.
Miss Mabel, about this evening, I...
I beg your pardon?
I gather you are to be congratulated.
Nothing I like more
than to be congratulated.
I find the pleasure immeasurably
increased by knowing what for.
Haven't you heard?
You're to be married. Your father says.
Does he?
Yes, he does.
Did he, by any chance, tell you to who?
No, but when we saw you
with that woman Mrs Cheeseley,...
-.. we naturally assumed...
- Oh, did we?
Yes, we did.
Well, the fact is your assumptions...
.. are presumptuous.
You see,...
.. I'm not sure...
.. that I've seen anything
I quite like the look of yet.
Oh, really?
Mmm, really.