- Bunbury, for goodness sake!
- I can't believe it.
- You are a deserter!
- I didn't say I was getting married.
I was debating the virtues
of the marital state.
Short debate, sir!
We're a dying breed, old man.
We must stick together.
Would you excuse me, gentlemen?
Play the next hand without me.
And now I think it's time
you knew the truth.
That all these riches,...
.. this wondrous luxury...
.. amounts, finally, to nothing.
That power...
.. power...
.. over other men...
.. is the one and only thing worth having.
This is what I call
the philosophy of power,...
.. the gospel of gold.
So now the question arises...
.. how you become powerful.
I mean, you... personally powerful.
Yes, thank you.
The answer is simple.
The answer...
.. is information.
Information is the modern commodity...
.. that can shake the world.
And I happen to know...
.. it's well within your grasp.
And you believed what he said?
I believed it then and I believe it now.
You've never been poor.
You've never known what ambition is.