I wonder whether the matter
would be of any interest to her.
Mrs Cheveley,...
.. won't you sit down?
I can't help feeling
that this disturbing new thing,...
.. this higher education of women,...
.. will deal a terrible blow
to happy married life.
The higher education of men is what
I'd like to see. Men need it so sadly.
They do, dear. But such a scheme
would be quite unpractical.
I don't think man has much capacity
for development.
He's got as far as he can...
and that's not far, is it?
With regard to women, dear Gertrude,
modern women understand everything.
Except their husbands. That is
the one thing they never understand.
A very good thing too, dear, I dare say.
It might break up
many a happy home if they did.
Not yours, I need hardly say, Gertrude.
You have married the perfect husband.
And now, dear ladies,
I had better set forth.
I haven't time
to be idling around here all day.
I should be idling somewhere else shortly
or I shall fall behind.
No, I'll see myself out.
No doubt you have
many pleasant reminiscences...
-.. of your schooldays to talk over.
- Goodbye.
Goodbye, my dear.
Wonderful woman, Lady Markby,
isn't she?
Talks more and says less
than anybody I ever met.
- Now, Gertrude...
- Mrs Cheveley,...
.. I think it is right to tell you...
.. that I wish you never to return
to this house again...
.. and never to attempt
to contact my husband.
I see that after all these years
you've not changed.
- I hope I never will.
- Life has taught you nothing.
A person who has once been guilty...
.. of a dishonest action may be guilty
a second time and should be shunned.
Would you apply that rule to everyone?
Yes, without exception.
Then I am sorry for you, Gertrude,
very sorry for you.