An Ideal Husband

.. you've come here to sell me
Robert Chiltern's letter.

To offer it to you on condition.
How did you guess?

- What is your price for it?
- My price.

I've arrived at the romantic stage.
When I saw you the other night
at the Chilterns',...

.. I knew you were the only person
I'd ever cared for,...

.. if I've ever cared for anybody, Arthur.
.. on the morning of the day...
.. that you marry me,
I will give you Robert Chiltern's letter.

That is my offer.
- Are you quite serious?
- Yes.

Quite serious.
My dear Mrs Cheveley,...
.. I'm afraid I should make you
a very bad husband.

I don't mind bad husbands.
I've had two. They amuse me immensely.

Here is a chance to rise
to great heights of self-sacrifice.

I think you should.
The rest of your life, you can spend
contemplating your own perfections.

I do that as it is.
For the privilege of being your wife,...
.. I am ready to sacrifice
the greatest prize in my possession.

I'm honoured.
- Arthur,...
- Mmm?

.. you loved me once.
You asked me to be your wife.

Ask me again.
Ask me now.
