I fear, though,...
.. the notion is a stranger to us both.
And yet,...
.. if we are honest,...
.. it is something we both long for.
.. that it takes great courage to do.
.. that is our dark secret.
Your coming here tonight
is the first whisper of it.
And for that, I admire you.
Give me the letter.
Prove your affections to me
and give me the letter.
And surrender my position of power?
The future of a great man
is in your hands, Mrs Cheveley.
Crush him
and your power dies with him,...
.. as will any feeling I've ever had for you.
If you ever loved me...
I did love you.
I know, I know.
But not that much.
I know. I must admit
I never thought you did.
Even so, I felt it worth a try.
I understand and respect you
all the more for the attempt.
And I take it you reject my offer?
I fear I must...
.. when, tempting as it seems,...
.. in truth,...
.. it's little more than blackmail.
- Gertrude!
- Mabel.
I... suddenly remembered
you were due to meet Arthur.
At least somebody remembered.
You mean he's not here either?
Oh... strange.