- Gertrude, are you quite well?
- Me? Yes, of course.
No, I'm not at all.
Could we talk?
All I have learned leads me to reject
and revile him for what he has done!
- And yet...
- And yet?
I have never known such joy...
.. as when I'm with him.
I've never felt so... free...
.. as when I'm lying in his arms.
I'll look out for you at the Commons
where at least I'll see your friend submit.
I wouldn't be too sure.
Come now. We both know
how dearly he values his career.
I look forward to him proving you wrong.
I anticipate it keenly.
- In fact, I'd stake my shirt on it.
- Your shirt?
Indeed, I'd probably wager
my entire wardrobe on his integrity.
What confidence.
Would you stake your liberty?
My liberty?
Mmm, a rather charming little idea
has sprung into my head...
.. and, now I consider it, I discover it
to be a rather charming big idea.
Go on.
If, as you suggest,
he stands by his principles...
.. and condemns the scheme,...
.. then shall I give you his letter
to dispose of as you choose.
But if, as I project,...
.. he surrenders to my demands
and publicly supports the scheme, then...
- Then I give you my hand in marriage.
- Precisely.
- To dispose of as you please.
- You must concede...
.. there is a certain thrill to it.
Concede, too, how elegantly I have eased
from proposal to proposition.
And with barely any loss of face.
I'm most impressed.
We are creatures of compromise,
you and I.
I await your response.
Are you less certain of your friend's
nature when your own future rests on it?
Not at all. I accept your wager
in all confidence.