Anna and the King

an exciting one.
Such devotion to progress
is to be commended.

Reform is vital for
my country's survival.

As tiny feet change,
so, too, will Siam.

But being in a country
with so many unique customs,

If l am to raise my son
to be like his father,

which I very much hope
he will be,

then I must feel free to
follow our own traditions.

As a father,
I understand.

Good. Then His Majesty
will appreciate

why having a home
outside the palace walls

is of such
great importance to us.

A home which...
had been promised,

but so far has not
been provided.

It is my pleasure
that you live
in the palace.

But it is not mine,
Your Majesty.

You do not set conditions
of your employment.

And you shall obey!
May I respectfully
remind His Majesty

that I am not his servant,
but his guest!

A guest who's paid.
begins tomorrow.

He sounds absolutely dreadful,
ifyou ask me.

Did unnerve me,
I must say.

Louis: Moonshee,
why does the king
have so manywives?

That is
an excellent question...

foryour mother.
I heard you, Louis.
Well, uh...
Siam is a monarchy,

just like England,
and one way
that a royal family

maintains its control
in the face ofwar
and disease

is to have as many
children as possible.

So he needs
a lot ofwives

to take care
