Any Given Sunday

Oh, my gosh! Touchdown!
The Americans go up, 23 to 21.
Man, oh, man!
Did they nail him!

It doesn't look like
Cherubini's getting up.

Two quarterbacks in a row.
I have not seen this since '88.

Or '78? When the Aztecs
and the Pharaohs lived.

Any given Sunday,
anything can happen.

They need you back.
Cherubini's down.

Did he fall off the bench?
What the hell's next? Stigmata?

Sit him out and don't touch him
till I get back.

Give me the names of players
in the quarterback market.

How about every available line coach?
Somebody who can teach this line
how to fucking block.

Malloy. Find out about him.
Cap's out.
Man, I can't believe it.

Do you know Willie Beamen?
No, I don't.
Who is Willie Beamen?

Beamen! What are you doing?
-I told you to warm up 5 minutes ago!
-What happened?

Look at your fucking play card!
It's upside down!

Get your head out of your ass!
Beamen, you're up.
Left Deuce Zig 22 Tomcat.

You know what that is?
Easy handoff to Julian.

The Americans got no profile on you.
You surprise them.

Look at me!
You're gonna do fine.
You hold it all inside. There.

Stay focused.
Okay? Stay there.
Willie, can you hear me?
As we await word
on Cap's condition...

...Miami is sending in third-string
quarterback Willie Beamen.

I've been in too many of these.
Twenty-six years old, a mystery man.
7th-roundpick out of Dallas.

In his fifth year. He went
to the University of Houston.

Firs t year with the Sharks.
He's seen four teams in his career.

All right, listen up.
We're gonna run
Left Deuce Zig 22 Tomcat.

What's the snap count?
