Any Given Sunday

...till Cap's back up.
Then I'm back on the bench.
You ain't said two words to me
till Cherubini went down.

Then it was, "Go out there and...
:03:13 like you're in the 'hood.
You're throwing the ball...

...and your mama's
ringing the dinner bell."

All you do is talk at me, man.
I'm gonna stay who I am.
Steamin' Willie Beamen.

With the time I got left,
I'll play my way. Get my dollars up.

So when you go to waive me, trade me
or whatever the fuck y'all do...

...I'll be worth 10 times what
I was worth before I got here.

You're very, very young.
And you're very, very stupid.
What're you doing? Get off the lawn!
It's Mr. Beamen. Willie, how you doing?
It's about winning. That's what this
country's about. Being number one.

This whole country was built
on kicking immigrant ass.

African ass, Chinese ass.
Don't matter who ass.
Get the fuck out!
Get the fuck out of here, bitch!
Every kid can grow up
to be President, right?

Who the hell want to grow up
and be vice president?

There ain't no number twos
in football.

Homeboy! Welcome to the pit!
You come to my house,
you bring me no flowers?

You played me.
Blowjobs upstairs. If you want
the skin, trawl the beach.

Don't mess the sheets.
My wife's back on Tuesday.

-I won't spill a drop.
-Hey, no semen, no blood.

You tell me.
Who lost the Pantheon Cup last year?
