Any Given Sunday

This isn't about you and me anymore.
You gotta lead this team.
When they look in your eyes...
...they gotta believe.
I know.
What do you think you're doing?
Cap is finished.

Never talk that way
in front of my players!

Get out of here!
I don't give a shit if Willie
is out there changing the plays!

You let your ego get in the way
of this team...

...and you'll lose
this fucking game!

Get out of here!!
I'm sorry, but Coach D.
already told me I was going in.

Control the line of scrimmage,
you'll control this game.

Possession of the ball,
that's all I want. Move those chains.

Read the safety's drop.
If he backpedals, then we go downtown.

Surprise them. Make it sudden.
If you see their arms shaking,
that means they're coming.

Control the line of scrimmage,
you control the game.

You said that already.
One more thing. Right out of the gate,
let it fly, go 999.

Shock the shit out of them!
What a way to start
this second half!

He 's down at the 48-yard line.
That's a tough break for this kid,
his firs t time in the playoffs.

He 's gotta be feeling the pressure.
Branco's just aching to nail you.
