- Virgil.
- Hi.
I've been looking all over for you.
I have some great news.
- That Atlanta project of yours?
- Oh, no, something much better.
- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.
I'm all ears.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Let me catch my breath.
- OK.
All right.
Have you ever wondered
what it would be like to see?
Like, uh, whether there's, uh,
life on Mars,
or whether or not the... aliens
built the pyramids.
OK, but if there were a chance,
if something could be done
to give you sight, would you take it?
Well... What are we talking about here?
- Um, I saw that article on Doctor Aaron.
- Who?
He's... He's the leading eye surgeon
on the Eastern seaboard.
And I called him up
at Manhattan Eye and Ear.
And I spoke to him about you.
I'm sorry, you... you called this guy?
Yes, and he just faxed me back
and he said that he would be
very excited to see you.
He thinks that in your case
there might be a chance of reversal.
What do you think?
I guess I'm, uh...
I forgot that it's
Help the Handicapped Week.
I... I thought you'd be excited.
What's the problem?
That's the point, Amy.
There is no goddamn problem.
- Hi.
- Hi, Jennie.
You did great work today.
- See you tomorrow.
- OK, thanks.
- Hi.
- Amy, right?
Um, could I speak to you for a minute?
- Yeah. Something wrong?
- There's something I don't understand.