- It's a can.
- Good, good.
- What's going on?
- Associating. His fingers tell his brain,
then his brain tells his eyes.
Then he recognises what's in front of him.
OK, Virgil, let's, uh,
give your eyes a rest. OK?
We should all be very happy.
We've got something.
With extended blindness...
- Dr, may I speak to you for a moment?
- Sure.
What the hell just happened in there?
ls that what you call seeing?
It's a little complicated.
It is clear that he is seeing.
He's picking up images.
Apparently his retina is intact.
For all intents and purposes,
it's a success.
A success? He's lost.
He can't see me, or his sister.
He can only see a Coke can.
And that's only after he held it.
He could do that before.
Believe me, he can see you.
He just doesn't understand what he sees.
- So, is this temporary? Will this go away?
- Well, there is a visual therapist.
It's a fella named Phil Webster.
He's unorthodox,
but he's probably our best bet,
considering the unique aspects
of this case.
I'll contact him right away.
But there's no guarantees.
- He might be able to help us.
- No guarantee?
Look, we are all on new ground here.
Let's try to be optimistic.
I mean, he can see.