Operation Twincomp, access requested.
Analysing voiceprint.
Review project in summary form.
is designed to prove the superiority
of the Kinder method of child rearing.
To accomplish this, two years ago,
twin brothers Sylvester and Whit...
were born to a specially selected
surrogate mother.
Director of operations,
Dr Elena Kinder, arranged...
for Whit to be adopted
into the home of her niece...
and her niece's husband,
Dr Dan Bobbins.
Sly was placed in the Babyco
Hyper-Developmental Habitat...
to be raised under the guidance
of the Kinder method.
Summarize operational protocol.
It is imperative for the integrity
of this experiment...
that no one ever discover
that Sly and Whit are twins...
especially the boys themselves.
A comparative evaluation of the boys
will occur by age 6...
to establish conclusively the
superiority of the Kinder method.
Updating experiment log.
Last night, Baby Sylvester made his way
up 25 stories, undetected...
escaping from his habitat
in a secret lab.
Even though it now appears
that Sly cannot be controlled...
Dr Kinder will be pleased by this
display of skill and intelligence.
I however, remain apprehensive.
Under the guidance of its chairman,
Dr Elena Kinder...
Baby Geniuses lnc.
and its parent company Babyco...
are the world's largest manufacturer
of products for the baby.
Babyco is also a vital
charitable organization...
which sponsors orphanages
in 10 countries around the globe.
The latest one dedicatedjust a week
ago, right here in Pasadena.
Today we are deeper
in Dr Kinder's debt...