Ice Pick is right.
Auntie Elena should help.
You're not supposed
to call her "auntie".
- Just Elena.
- What's it matter?
They can't understand me.
He does so much good.
I wish we could help.
I tried. I gave him
that idea subliminally...
about a new wing.
What's that do?
Increase their disposable income
by a factor of four at least.
Honey! Honey.
Did you hear that?
Tell me you heard that.
Whit. He just said, clear as a bell...
"by a factor of four at least".
And I understood it.
This is so great.
It was in their language,
but that was the phrase.
Those were the words,
"by a factor of four".
Beats the hell out of "dada".
- You got it?
- Right here.
- He's got it.
- Let's see it.
Oh, boy, home movies.
He understood our language.
Is that all you have to say?
Okay. Let me think.
He's going to want us to explain
the secrets of the universe.
That could be a real problem.
Well, you're in trouble
again, Sylvester.
Now go to sleep,
or it's Valium for you, pal.
There you are. You got that lock?
I've got the security bonder.
Yeah, right. Okay, Sly man...
l've got that surprise I promised.
Let's see you get out
of this one, Houdini.
Dumb and Dumber.