With the greatest pleasure, my dear.
You go up the grand escalier...
and once atop the stairs
you'll want to enter the, uh...
fifth door on my left.
- Watch the step down. It's sunken.
- Okay. Thankyou.
"Malkovich Physical Development. "
What do you think Lester's relationship
with John Malkovich is?
That portal's been boarded up forever.
I bet Lester's not even aware of it--
him-- the portal. Why?
No reason.
I was just thinking.
Do you think that it's kind of weird
that John Malkovich has a portal?
Do you think that it might have
some sort of significance, for example?
I don't know.
Why do you think that?
I don't even care.
I think it's kind of sexy
that John Malkovich has a portal.