Being John Malkovich

With the greatest pleasure, my dear.
You go up the grand escalier...
and once atop the stairs
you'll want to enter the, uh...

fifth door on my left.
- Watch the step down. It's sunken.
- Okay. Thankyou.

"Malkovich Physical Development. "
What do you think Lester's relationship
with John Malkovich is?

That portal's been boarded up forever.
I bet Lester's not even aware of it--
him-- the portal. Why?

No reason.
I was just thinking.

Do you think that it's kind of weird
that John Malkovich has a portal?

Do you think that it might have
some sort of significance, for example?

I don't know.
Why do you think that?

I don't even care.
I think it's kind of sexy
that John Malkovich has a portal.
