Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz

Don't ask me now.
Tedeschi will be finished
in 10 days at the most.

I didn't call you. End.
And now raise both hands
to your head...
and press them firmly
against your ears.

You were at Irina's yesterday.
- Only for that other business.
- Of course! Find out anything useful?

No. I gave her a week.
If not, single ticket to Elektrostal.

That's how it was.
I resigned from the boards
of Allag and Futurag,

and got rid of all my shares
in Schwarco.

- How much did you get?
- 94.20. Not too bad.

I only got 81.
How did you do it?

And you've also got
a clean slate, Andy?

What do I do with the fund units?
Tedeschi's money.

- You don't know that.
- You do.

Don't worry.
Mrs Gondrand took care of all that
in Geneva.

The fund is clean.
So Tedeschi can go to hell.

Exactly. And now, gentlemen,
for the pleasant part.
