Best Laid Plans

All right, all right.
Now, uh...

[Speaking Spanish]
Bennett: I want you
to go get Oscar,

get that crane
over there...

The things we do
for minimum wage.

Nick: So can you
help me out?

I'm sorry, guy.
Once the ad runs,
then we'll talk.

Right now,
I can't help you.

I'm not asking
for a loan.

It's money owed
for services rendered.

Hey, listen to me.
It's not possible
right now.

Look, I know you're
short at the moment,

but, hey,
everybody's short.

All right. Forget it.
Reuben, I thought
I told you not to laugh.

What are you doing, huh?
What's wrong with you?

Barry: Look, he's my friend.
Let me talk to him.

I'm telling you,
I don't care

how long
you've known him.

Do you know--
Dude, if you
say my name,

I'm telling you,
you're out of this.

Out of what?
Come on.
Shit. Um,
just tell him.

Nick, are you
doing anything tonight?

Come on. Come on!
[La Bamba Playing
Over P.A. System]

Bennett's Voice: Welcome
to Tropico Recycling Company.

Glass goes to bay 4,
plastics to bay 1 2.

Thanks for your business.
Barry: OK. The thing is,
my friend here,
he works

for a pretty big
guy in town.

Why don't you
want me

to know
your name?

Because if you
get busted,

how are you going to
identify me?

What, he was a black guy
with curly hair?

This guy, Nick,
is under serious
police investigation

right now.
He thinks he's going
to get busted anytime.

So every night,
he moves his stash

from one house
to another

so that the cops can't
get a search warrant

in time to snatch him.
Tonight the stash
is atJimmy's house.

You know, you got to have
pond water for brains, man.

Oh! I'm sorry.
