We ain't met.
Know who I am?
I got a couple
of guesses.
I'm the guy you stole
$40,000 from last night.
Your suspicion's
I thought you'd be
an older guy.
My profession don't
promote career longevity.
It's a young man's
It don't matter
how I found out.
I found out.
No matter how sorry
you feel,
you're going
to feel sorrier.
And it don't matter
how you plan to fix it,
because that plan
is obsolete.
Freddie, take that shit
off of your head.
What for?
Take that shit
off of your head
and give it to him.
Blindfold yourself.
Because I don't
know you,
and I don't know
who you know.
Have you ever read
Adam Smith's
An Inquiry into
the Nature and Causes
of the Wealth of Nations?
In it, the man addresses
the two simple laws
of the market.
The first law: self-interest.
It is not from the benevolence
of the butcher, the brewer,
the fucking baker
that we expect our dinner,
but from their self-interest.
I don't sell junk
because I feel a civic duty.
I do it out of...
Second law: competition.
Only under the check
of competition
is a man's self-interest
regulated from ruthlessness.
I don't charge
a C-note a pop
because I think
some other dude
is going to
underprice me.
No. I don't overcharge
because what suppresses me?
a man's motivations of...