Better Than Chocolate

l mean she...
she had no idea.

Oh, God.
Poor Mom.

Oh, God.
l don't need another window display.
l need a lawyer.

Little Red Riding Hood?
What is going on with Customs?
Little Red Riding Hood
and the big bad wolf?

That Little Red Riding Hood?
- Do we stock that book?
- A customer ordered it for her niece.

They're trying to ruin me, Customs.
That's what it is.

Attention shoppers.
l got a letter
from my father today.

The same father who told you
to drop dead? That father?

:28:10, well, what l mean
is his lawyer wrote me.

And he says my parents
are going to buy me a condo.

So that after the surgery
l'll have someplace to go...

to recuperate...
to have some sense of security.

l mean, wow, not a word
from them since l told them.

Nothing in two years.
And now this.

They miss me.
l'm going to write them and invite them
for a housewarming party.

Please, buy the condo
and move my mother in.

How is your Mom?
And l see you have a new friend.

Yeah. Kim is...
staying with me.

Yeah, and her mother
and her brother.

Sounds complicated.
Well, you know
l have an extra room.

This is Carla and Judy.
