Oh, come on, she can take it.
Parents can be very resilient.
What does she do all day?
Shop. Cook.
Clean. Decorate.
She sounds lonely.
Hi, l'm Judy.
ls Maggie home?
Oh, gee, she's not, you know.
She and Kim went out again.
Oh...l brought her these
as a housewarming gift.
Well, for all of you, really.
Well, how lovely.
- l'm Lila, l'm Maggie's mother.
- Nice to meet you.
- And you're...?
- Judy. Maggie's friend Judy.
Just think of me
as the Welcome Wagon.
Well, welcome.
- Would you like to come in?
- Yes, thank you.
My, it's quite a climb, isn't it?
l almost got an aneurism.
And here...
and here.
- Lovely, thank you.
- And cheers.
- Cheers.
- Welcome.
You know, l just love that shirt.
Thank you.
l do my best with my limitations.
lt's so hard to find nice things
to wear when you're my size.
Oh, you should be proud of your size.
So strong and so striking.
l think the word you're
looking for is ''enormous.''
- Exotic.
- Thank you.
You know, l just wish Maggie
had some of your sense of style.