Oh, yes, l am.
l can type 1 20 words a minute.
l can do spreadsheets,
Lotus and Windows.
Oh, l am sorry,
but the job's been filled.
So, why don't you just
leave me your resume...
and l'll get back to you
if something comes up.
Are you here about the job?
That's right.
l thought there was
someone else here.
No, only me.
- You know, l do windows.
- Good, good.
- Watch it, big guy.
- Oh, sorry.
l've got the job!
Oh, Mom,
Wine, my dear,
much more ladylike than beer.
And if l help the agents with sales,
they'll give me a commission
on their commissions.
Awesome, Mom.
You rock.
Well, l'm not the person
l was going to be, l'll tell you.
l was going to have a career.
l was going to have a wonderful,
successful marriage,
and two wonderful,
successful children, and...
look at me.
And look at you.
You're looking so, l don't know,
just shabby these days.
To you, Mom.