( rock music playing)
What is this God-awful music?
The thing is Maggie, she's going
to find out sooner or later.
l know, l know.
lt's just...
just give me some time.
''l'm in love with...''
''l'm in love with...''
''l'm in love with...''
''Julie Christie.''
''She makes me go misty.''
''She makes me go, ahh!''
''Oh, what a star.''
''Everybody's entitled
to a little fantasy...''
''And how l'd love
to step inside the screen.''
''Everybody's entitled
to a bit of fantasy...''
''Well, you know that film,
Billy Liar...''
''She set my heart on fire!''
''Julie Christie...''
''she makes me go misty.''
''She makes me go, ahh!''
''Oh, what a star.''
''l'm in love with...''