Better Than Chocolate

''l'm not...
a fucking drag queen,''

''l'm in another bracket.''
''What you see before you...''
''is not some midnight racket.''
''Nothing here is padded...''
''l've paid a mighty fortune.''
''A few things have been added...''
''and one to two subtractions.''
''l'm not a fucking drag queen,''
''l won't let you forget it.''
''When you say, ''Good day, Sir!''
you stab me all the way through,''

''my tender,
transgender heart.''

''And if you happen to be gay...''
''you could show a little
heart and understanding.''

''lnstead of twittering and whispering
and pointing Judas fingers''

''like a bunch of cunning linguists
at some gender crucifixion.''

''And if you think l'm such a freak,''
''there's no need to cut me down
and put me in my place.''

''You may just want to take a look
at why your pants are oh, so wet''

''and your knees like castanets,
are giving you away.''

''l'm not a fucking drag queen,''
''l don't wear foot-long lashes.''
