He happens to be pretty damn nice.
This is a rough patch in my life.
Syracuse is 0 and 3.
And l got those medical problems.
Medical problems?
A cab runs over your foot two years ago.
You're hospitalized one night.
First of all, that cab was huge.
And a jury decided that one night
of pain was worth $200,000.
-So there you go.
Why are you being
so nuts to me lately?
You refuse to move on
to the next phase.
l'd like to have a family someday.
l need someone l can rely on,
not a playmate.
You need a father figure?
"Stop pulling your sister's hair!"
You know what? l'm gonna go to
Syracuse to see my mom.
-l'll be back on Wednesday.
-What are you talking about?
l had call for delivery, but it was
crank call. You want chocolate cake?
Come back later.
l'll lndian wrestle you.
You're going down, sucker.
We'll see about that.
Okay. Peace, out.
You're going to Syracuse?
l need time to think and so do you.
Think about what?
Your life and why l should
be a part of it.
All right.
While you're at it,
think about getting a real job.
l got a real job!
Patrick Ewing, nice shot.
-Hey, Sonny.
-What's up, buddy boy?
l'm out the door. Hey, pal.
-Where you going?
You wanna take me with you?
All right, l guess.
Hold onto your money.
Later on.
Okay, take care, Sonny.
See you.
Cadillac, l love it.