Just ignore him.
lt's only Sonny. lt's only Sonny.
Yeah, it's only me. lt's only me.
-What's going on?
-Corinne's going-away party for Kevin.
She didn't tell me.
The roommate has a right to know.
She knew you'd ruin the surprise.
No, l wouldn't.
Hey, surprise.
What's going on?
We wasted the good surprise on you.
All right.
ls this your handiwork?
l guess.
See you in three hours.
Good to see you stiffs.
What've you been doing?
Last three weeks have been crazy.
l've been in Denver, Dallas--
l'm sleeping in the office.
We're going to trial on the fraud case.
Honey, it was a great surprise.
l was totally shocked.
No, you weren't!
And l worked so hard on this.
Need some help?
-Honey, your sister's here.
-Hey, sweetie.
l hate Sonny.
My client's out $7 million. All we
can sue on is breach of contract.
Maybe you can sue under
the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
l gotta get back to the office.
You're the king.
Mikey, a pleasure.
-l'll see you at home.
-All right.
l'll walk you out.
l gotta admit, l'm still
weirded out when they kiss.
Why? They're gay.
That's what gay guys do.
l know, but they were like
brothers to us back in school.
They're still like our brothers.
Our very, very gay brothers.
What are you doing after this?
Going to a Klan meeting?
Remember when Dad had that barbecue
for his friends and it rained...
...so he and Mom went into the
kitchen and made...
...1 00 hamburgers with one frying pan?
You're not gonna let a little rain
stop you from making 1 00 hamburgers.