He'll write your name on the wall.
Mind your business.
Let's go. Let's go.
Why do l need to meet this lady?
-Now it is your problem.
-Thank you.
She's that lady l was
telling you about.
She's gonna be a big part
of your life.
l'm scared. What if she's not nice?
See these right here?
These are magic sunglasses, okay?
lf you're afraid, put them on
to become invisible.
Really? Nobody can see me?
Put them on.
Sonny, l'm right here.
Oh, the glasses. l couldn't see you.
Keep those on. No one can notice you
until you decide they can.
-Let's go.
l'm still right here.
Okay, all right, the glasses.
Welcome back.
Who's that?
Who's who? He's invisible.
Can l come in?
Any invisible people out here...
...feel free to come in, okay?
Sonny, l don't really know
what's going on right now.
-We should talk--
-You said l got some thinking to do?
So l did it.
Just because l don't have a job
doesn't mean l don't wanna move on.
lnstead of saying that,
l figured l'd show you.
-Before you say anything--
-Look at that.
He took his sunglasses off.
He wants you to see him.
He likes you.
Julian, come here.
Come here, pal.
...l want you to meet Julian, my son.
Our son. l adopted him.
l don't know what to say.
Don't say anything.
ls someone in the bathroom?
Why is the door shut?
l don't know.