But l don't think
that's gonna happen.
l don't know.
But, buddy, real dads
aren't always that great.
l got one and he's
out of his mind.
He tells me what to do. He never lets
me figure stuff out on my own.
A lot of dads are like that.
That's why people grow up nuts.
Look at this guy.
He was probably a nice boy like you.
Then his dad messed his mind up.
Who won the Jets game?
Who cares?
Let it go.
He can't control you anymore.
What do you mean?
You know.
You're a loser.
You're mad at your dad, not at me!
l forgive you!
l am. l am. l hate my father.
l don't want it to be like that.
l don't wanna control you.
You even like your name?
l guess.
You guess? Shouldn't you like
your name?
lt'll be your name
the rest of your life.
What do you want?
l can deal with that.
l'll call you Frankenstein.
Frankenstein, you gonna play
in the puddle?
Go ahead. From now on, you do
whatever you wanna do.
l'll show you some cool shit
along the way.
That's what it's all about.
Stay in front of it.
Don't be scared.
lt's coming right at you.
Okay. All right.
You're picking your head up.
Don't do that.
ls this okay?
That's what you wanna wear?
That's okay with me then.
Good luck walking down the street.
Way to block it. Stay with it.
You're the next Willie Randolph.
Chief Jay Strongbow
used to do a sleeper hold.
Put your arm under here.
Lift this arm, okay? Slide under
and try to lock wrists.
Let me show you. Watch.
Throw him into the ropes
and he comes back....
Get him. Get him. Lock him up.