Say, " Happy Halloween."
Thank you.
Next year, be prepared, moron.
What's with the cummerbund?
l let him wear whatever he wants.
Those boots are the best.
l think they're Kevin's.
l'll have a hot dog with
the mustard and a knish.
Frankenstein, what do you want?
Thirty packets of ketchup.
All right. Thirty packets of ketchup.
Nice cut, pal.
Do that thing l taught you
the other day.
lt took him 20 minutes to learn that.
He's quick. He's smart.
-And he loves ketchup.
-He does.
This is a whole new school
of child-raising.
You give him options, not orders.
Let him make the decision.
You're a pioneer.
-So you two just chill out all day?
Hung out on the monkey bars.
The kid did eight chin-ups.
l can't even do one
with these scrawny arms.
They're not scrawny. They're nice.
What do you wanna do tomorrow?
l wanna go to school.
l don't force him, he makes
the right decision. Way to go.
We'll enroll you on Monday.
Enjoy the weekend.
Do the thing again.
That one touched the ground.
That was awesome!
Good job.
Help me! Help me!
Please help me.
l don't know where l live.
This isn't a big problem.
We'll find your parents.
-What's your name?
There you are.
There you are. Are you okay, buddy?
l turn my head and he disappeared.
Don't you ever do that to me again.
Don't do that.