Two guys you were best friends with in
law school fell in love with each other?
ls that strange for you?
No. Nothing changed, really.
They watch a different kind
of porno now. But that's it.
My God! This is Corinne's place?
lf the girls at Hooters
could see her now.
-Do you want your ass kicked?
-l'm just kidding around, Layla.
You're afraid to get involved
and you got a lot of work, but...
...when l'm not with you, l'm thinking
of you. Do you have that going on?
Maybe we should try a kiss out.
We owe it to ourselves to see
if we should move to the next level.
l'm not sure.
Me either. lt's just that
you kissed Scuba Steve.
Ever since then,
he's strutted around bragging...
..." l got a kiss the first night.
After three times, you got nothing."
-He said that?
-Come on.
Let's just give it a shot
just so l can have some dignity.
All right?
Oh, my God!
Did l witness the first kiss?
Yeah, you did.
Thanks a lot for showing up.
Layla, you didn't actually
enjoy that, did you?
l don't know. l'm going upstairs.
Wash your mouth out. He's dirty.
And he's poor.
What do you got in the bag, Corinne?
Some chicken wings? Booby tassels?
Shut up.
You have a good sleep.
Pleasant Hooters.
Come on, come on!
This is where we hang our jackets.
This is my hook.
That's a capertillar.
A caterpillar.
-That's right, a capertillar.
-Capertillar, all right.
-Staying clean, pal?