Oh, Calvin, would you
put that seat cushion...
back on the lawn chair, honey?
Shouldn't we at least
turn off the phonograph?
It shuts off automatically.
Oh. Did you make it to do that?
They all do.
I never know anymore.
I bet that's a fighter jet
on its way to Key West.
Good luck, amigo.
An emergency has been declared.
I repeat,
an emergency has been declared.
You hear that?
Ill come back for the radio.
I wish you would have
at least let me do the dishes.
It's not gonna be that easy...
to get all that dried-on food
off my nice plates.
I just hope those plates are not
radioactive by tomorrow.
is particularly troublesome.
Ive got secondaries
of an engine fire.
Im gonna need to find
a clear area to eject.
Roger, Wolf One.
Can you make it to the ocean?
Roger that, Tower.
Im marking the one-eight-zero
radio for five...
and ejecting, Tower.
Roger, Wolf One.
How long will we have
to stay down here?
For this thing to blow over
could take days.
What if I go into labor?
That could happen any time now.
Ive read up on it.
lf I have to,
Ill deliver the baby myself.
Home, sweet home.