To you, maybe.
Are you all right?
I think so.
Its happened!
Look at that heat!
All my surface indicators...
knocked out! Oh, Lord!
Its happened!
What was that noise?
The locks.
To keep us from trying to leave.
There's a radiation half-life
after an atomic blast.
It lasts thirty-five years.
Then after that,
it's safe to go up.
According to Cal Tech...
this Webber guy
was a bonafide genius...
but a borderline nut case.
He and Mrs. Nut Case...
must have been out here
when the plane hit.
Unless we get a postcard or
something, that'd be my guess.
What about relatives?
They're all back east.
Neighbors said the guy
spent day and night out here.
She'd bring him sandwiches
and hot Dr. Pepper.
He drank it hot?
Good God.
Hi, hon.
Feeling better?