but he wouldn't take it.
He seems kind of angry.
A lot of people do.
Oh, boy. Here we go.
Hold on, everyone! Hold on!
So this is
public transportation.
My father says it becomes
more and more important...
because of pollution,
which is more and more...
carbon dioxide and other
hazardous gases in the air.
Do you have a gun, by the way?
Oh. Well, thank you
for not waving it around.
And for not vomiting,
for that matter.
Say, do you know where
I could find a grocery store?
I have to find that.
That and a hardware store...
a liquor store,
and a standing Holiday Inn.
There's a grocery store
up the street.
-Up there!
Oh. Thank you. Driver,
please stop the bus immediately!
I wish to get off!
Please stop the bus, sir!
-Paper or plastic?
-Paper, please.
Do you have a club card?
I need a price check
on register four...
Diet Dr. Pepper, six-pack.
Don't talk to strangers.
Manager to the front for
check approval, register one.
Can I help you?
Oh, yes. Id like to get
some all-beef patties.
Fresh or frozen?
Come on. Frozen.
How much are they?
Frozen? Six-thirty a dozen
in a three-pound box.
Twelve into nine hundred
is seventy-five.
That's almost five hundred
dollars just for the hamburger.
My mother only gave me three
thousand dollars for everything.
The yacht batteries,
the pipe tobacco...
the diesel oil, the bleach...
the floss,
the birthday candles--
You could get a meat order
that big delivered to your home.