Im so glad to see you.
I thought
Id never see you again.
OK, down, boy.
Listen, I can't take this
for driving you home.
I wish I could, but I can't,
so, here, take it back.
I would have left it
at the front desk...
but it's very valuable.
Take it.
I can't take that. Its yours.
Take it, damn it!
Why are you doing that?
Because I haven't brushed yet.
Well, so long. Enjoy your visit.
Wait. Eve, please wait.
Please, do not follow me.
Don't do it.
I knew this would happen.
You're like a lost puppy.
Can't you talk to me
for just one little second?
Damn, I should have
taken the money and run.
That's what Troy told me to do,
but did I listen? No.
Will you put your hand down?
Who's Troy? Is he your husband?
Or a boyfriend?
Thank you!
Stop that! Don't do that!
Listen, I know you like me, OK?
I can tell.
But, you know what?
A lot of guys like me.
Not me exactly. Its my legs
or my butt or my hair...
or some combination
of the above.
I think it's the eyes.
The eyes?
Great. An eye man.
Anyhow, it never works out.
OK? Not that you even
need to know that.
You look like crap.
What have you been doing?
Watching television in color.
In color? No kidding.
Cross my heart and hope to die.
Yeah. See ya.
Why doesn't it ever work out?
Why doesn't it ever work out,
you and men?
Why? Who the hell knows?
lf you promise to leave me
alone, Ill tell you why.
It never works out...
because I am into legs
and hair and butts myself.
So I wind up with guys
who are very good-looking...
but even more shallow than I am,
if you can picture that.