Right here.
l thought l was gonna be assigned
to a desk. Right up in here!
Are you kidding me?
A guy like you?
No, you belong on the street.
And also, listen.
Carlson needs a partner with some
experience. He just got promoted.
Chief, l just got a call.
Malone's gonna join us.
Show him around.
And let Malone do
all the handcuffing, okay?
l appreciate that, yeah.
l'll review these.
This is the bullpen here.
That's Booking up there.
The holding cells are down that way.
You wanna see them?
Seen one, seen them all.
This is my desk here, sir.
Nice desk.
Thanks. Let's see....
Brass is on five.
Robbery-Homicide on three.
Over there, that's the tag and bag.
-Through those doors, that's 1 0-1 7.
Show him the rest later.
-Come on.
We got a call. Burglary.
lt's ours. l'll take this.
That's where all the crime is.
l just got here,
and that's not a good thing.
l gotta do work in here so that
l know what's going on out there.
l might need backup, right?
How long you been in Burglary?
Me? All my life, man, all my life.
l heard the chief say that you got 1 6
citations. That's incredible! Sixteen!
That's what happens when
your Uncle Lou writes your file.
You can ride up front if you want.