l knew that.
You just gotta be real careful
for the pedestrians coming out here.
Walking around out here.
Am l clear to the right?
Am l clear? Have l got it?
l just made detective.
No kidding.
l worked Traffic for three years.
l got pretty good at it.
You don't have to stop for the yellow.
You could just drive right through.
Sir, not if you'd seen some
of the accidents l've seen. No thanks.
Well, there's your green right there.
Can l ask you a personal question?
Yeah, sure.
How many times did you take the test?
What test?
You know, the test for detective.
That one!
-One time.
Aced it.
Took it out.
Took me five tries.
l did well on the written part, but
my performance reviews weren't so hot.
How many times did it take you
to get your driver's license, man?
Please! Wake me up when we get there.
Yes, sir. I'm sorry.
Goodness, man!
lt's a nice suit, sir.
lt's really cool.
Well, l appreciate it.
Yeah, you know? Appreciate it.
Got any music?
Oh, yeah. Sure.
l like to jam.
Just so long as
we can hear the dispatcher.
That's good.
-l never heard this station before.
-Kind of funky. You like that?