What the hell? Go!
Hold it!
Hold your fire!
You okay?
Listen, it's a dead end!
No shit!
He's behind those dumpsters.
He's freaking out. He's got a gun.
Back up!
Get SWAT up here! Sharpshooters
can take him off from the roof.
No sharpshooters.
Why the hell not?
What are you doing here, man?
-Who's he talking to?
-l don't know.
He high, man. He's hallucinating.
Smoking that shit!
He's high.
Put down the gun and come out!
Hold this. Hold on. I'm going in.
What are you doing?
What are you, crazy?
Miles, what are you doing here?
l just wanna talk to you
before somebody gets hurt!
Please put down the gun!
-Son, come on.
-Shut up!
lt hurts my heart...
...to see a kid that has
so much potential.