-You're smarter than that.
-I'm coming out!
Listen. All right, now, goddamn it!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
You got me out here in this shit.
How many times l told you...
...forget the safe? Go straight for
the cash drawer. Get in and get out.
He's in the way.
Now l can't even get a shot.
l can't either.
Why are you hitting
mom-and-pop stores anyway?
Look, you're a driver, man.
You got skills. You can be out there
on the road, man, doing your shit.
I'm desperate! l need some money!
And why the freak are we whispering?
Back up, nigger! l saw you!
-What are they talking about?
-l don't know.
I'm working on something here,
and you're blowing it for me, man!
I'm sorry, man. I'm messing up.
-I'm messing up.
-lt's all right.
Look, I'm not mad at you.
But you're gonna have to give me
the gun and let me arrest you.
Come on, man. Listen. l'll give you
1 0 grand. You know I'm good for it.
I'm thinking like 50, man.
Tulley, 50?
That's pushing it, man! Damn!
Twenty, and you'll spend one night
in jail. That's the best l can do.
That's it. Best l can do.
All right, fine.
But I'm keeping my gun.
You cannot let me arrest you
and keep the gun, man! Come on!
Damn, l just got this, man.
This is hard to find.
But you're gonna have to give up
the gun. Now, what you wanna do?
You wanna give up the gun or you want
them to put about 7 bullets in your ass?