Okay, now give me that gun!
Don't just hand it to me!
l gotta take it from you.
They're watching.
This is gonna hurt a little.
This is gonna hurt.
That's incredible!
And remember:
You don't know me anymore.
l sure don't.
You didn't used to be so violent.
So he's like,
'' Carlson, take my jacket.''
He's like, '' l got to do this.''
We're like, ''What are you doing?''
He just goes right down the alley,
right up to the guy.
Next thing you know,
he's taking the guy's gun.
Dropped the guy with a punch.
Just levelled him.
l mean, blink and
you would've missed it.
Malone, in my office!
Not you, Carlson.
l've been looking through your record.
How come l never heard of you?
l was undercover. On the down low.
We need a guy to head Burglary.
ls that the real reason you're here?
Yeah, sure.
lt's no secret.
Burglary's been a problem division since
we lost our lead detective last year.
Now, usually we promote
from within the ranks...
...but these guys need someone new.
So if you want the job, you got it.
Excuse me?
You're the new lead detective.
Burglary division.