Bor lei jun

Stay away. I'll stab you.
Let her go, or I'll stab myself.
You just cut yourself.
- We'll let you live.
- Let's get out of here.

Don't chase them.
Let's go, before the cops get here.

- Whose factory is this?
- We're okay here. I own it.

- Why is it loaded with garbage?
- I told you, I buy trash.

- It's worth a lot of money.
- I should tell my boyfriend about this.

First you told me you were a refugee.
Now you're
a Taiwanese mob boss's girlfriend.

- Are you really?
- Yes. A dangerous woman to be with.

- Are you afraid?
- I'm never scared.

You're not afraid
my boyfriend will kill you?

How did you become
a gangster's girlfriend?

There's a police station near my home.
One day I saw these "wanted" posters.
One of them had these beautiful eyebrows
to go with these beautiful eyes.

I went in every day and saw those eyes.
It was love at first sight.

- Then what happened?
- I got his address. Now we're together.

What was it you liked about him?
He had a lot of style
and was a great dancer.
