We got our first shot.
Here it comes.
Come on. Work, baby, work.
Keith, you forgot your briefcase.
You forgot.... You're upset.
One slip-up in your tough,
crime-filled world and you could die.
It worked. It looked like Daisy
came out of the house.
This movie's gonna work!
-Dave, did you wash my car?
-Workin' on it.
One scene down.
-Bowfinger, here's what I got.
Kit and his agent will be
at the Rodeo Grille tomorrow at 12:45 p.m.
Are we gonna be there?
Better believe it. You're a genius.
Can you see over there?
-What do you see? Can you see Kit?
Am I trying for you or not trying?
You're trying,
but I want at least the same....
I know I ain't gonna be treated like
Mighty Whitey in this town.
I put in 25 years in the theater
before coming to Hollywood.
We're almost ready.
I still don't see why I can't meet the man
I'm going to be working with.
He wants to impress you with his acting,
and he needs his total concentration.
-That's just young!
-I know.
I wish once I could work with someone
who had honed their craft.