-What did you say your name was?
-Jiff. My friends call me Jiff.
Jiff, welcome aboard.
Here's your wardrobe.
All right! All right.
Awesome. Awesome.
All right.
-How do you feel?
-I feel kind of strange.
-You look good. You look tough.
-I do?
Like an action star.
Shoulders out. Take a good, deep breath.
Suck it in.
In this scene, you're hurting inside.
You're not sure who to trust.
You want to run into the arms
of your beloved.
-Hi, I'm Daisy.
-Hi. How are you?
When I yell "action," you are gonna run
from point "A" over there...
...to point "B" over here.
That seems kind of hard.
Think of it as an errand.
Your errand is to run across
the freeway until I yell, "Cut."
I get it. But doesn't that seem
a little dangerous?
No. We have professional stuntmen
doing the driving.
You'll be completely safe.
Professional stuntmen.
That's how they do it! I was wondering.
-Stunt drivers.
-Okay, you ready to do one?
Sure. They're going really fast!
Come on, Jiff!
Keith! I love you!