Heavenly Father! Heavenly Father!
That was so great! You were fantastic!
Wasn't he great?
Congratulations! That was so good!
-I don't want to do this anymore.
I just want to run errands. Heavenly God!
Not many people can do what you just did.
The stunt drivers were really impressed.
-Weren't they?
-We got an errand we want you to do.
We want you to go to Starbucks.
Get coffee for everybody.
-I would love to go get coffee.
-You're the only one who can do it.
I want to get the coffee now.
But first, let's do this one more time.
Heavenly God!
Good work.
Mr. Bowfinger, Bob,
can I talk to you about the new scenes?
-I haven't decided yet.
-Can I talk to you about them?
-I mean tonight?