Bravo Two Zero

It was the worst this region
had experienced in 30 years.

Aircraft. We're going to stop and try the TACBE.
We're going to try the TACBE.
We're going to try the TACBE.

Get me a fix, Mark.
He"llo", any call sign. This is Bravo Two Zero.
We're a ground call sign,
and we're in the shit, over.

He"llo", any call sign.
This is Bravo Two Zero.

We're a ground call sign
and we're in the shit, over.

(RADIO): Say again, Bravo Two Zero.
You're weak.

Turn back north, turn back north, over.
He"llo", any call sign.
This is Bravo Two Zero, over.

No joy.
- Where's Ray?
- And Stan and Chris?

Where are they?
I told them to stop.
We tabbed all night
but never found Ray or the others.
